Actor John Anderson Interviews BUACA President Pete Geary About Pedophile John Aster

John Aster is connected to: Mark W Mumma aka Francesca Amatto Banfield aka Punished 4 Protecting Tony Blas aka Team Loyalty Makes You Family. Geraldine Phifer aka Americas Taken … Read More

Breaking News About Australian Pedophile John George Aster

John Aster did admit to pleading guilty to downloading child porn, he made this admission to me and in front of two credible witnesses at my home 2009… Background history on John Aster has exposed several deviancy acts so

Secret FB Group Made By Pedophile To Defame John Anderson

What you are witnessing is a real life convicted pedophile named John Aster, going all out defaming and calling actor John Anderson a pedophile because he is mad John Anderson exposed him for his hidden child porn convictions.

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