Breaking News About Australian Pedophile John George Aster


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Breaking News…….04/02/2019
It has been a long time coming but we have established that our presence in our communities is making a difference when we choose to not ever turn our backs on situations that becomes too hard or near impossible to expose due to the constrictions placed on naming or alleging that crimes have been committed……..
John Aster did admit to pleading guilty to downloading child porn, he made this admission to me and in front of two credible witnesses at my home 2009…
Background history on John Aster has exposed several deviancy acts some alledged some proved true, including Rape, Grooming, Bisexual, paedophile, predator, stalker, and according to John Aster was visited by the police and RSPCA for acts of bestiality …..
John Aster has not ever sought any legal action to refute the allegations and never will, it is not for us
to prosecute but it is up to us to expose the traits of a serious dangerous predator paedophile…..
There are many men like John Aster that like him believe they have a right to commit crime, and we believe it is our rights as parents to ensure these men are exposed and made known to communities nationwide to warn them about the dangers of these predators…..
Courtesy of Bikers United Against Child Abuse Australia.

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